Last week we have talked some albion online wishlists, now we continue the topic:

Speaking of the Auction House (NO 30day Auctions)

In Kingspool, I have noticed attempts to “Devalue” the market. Why? I have no idea. I have noticed many of my crafted items that “Stack”, primarily the “Consumables”, are all being purchased and relisted at a lower price point. What? It’s true. Say I was selling “Chicken Pies”, and I had 50 @ 2000s/ea. Someone comes in and buys almost all the Chicken Pies available on the market and relist them 600 @ 700s/ea for 30 F’in! Days! This is some crazy attempt to devalue the market in Kingspool. And, it’s not limited to “Consumables”. To combat this behavior the 30 day auction must GO!

  • Limit “Stackable” auctions to 3 days.
  • Limit “Single” Items to 7 days.

Speaking of Crafting and Auction Houses

albion online

The crafting areas, in the front of towns, owned by players, are a “Dead Zone”. No matter which town you go to, they are all dead. Maybe it’s the 250% – 900% they want to use their crafting station; but, I’ll build my own, thank you very much. And thus I would suggest the following changes.


  • The “Auction House” stays the same; maybe a higher tax might be needed.
  • All Crafting stations come equipped with a chest and vendor that match the tier of the station.
    i.e. A T3 “Journeyman” crafting station can sell T3 items at a considerable less tax than at the “Auction House” and have a T3 chest to store mats or whatever.
  • Crafters can repair gear at any accessible crafting station for FREE! Or, maybe they will choose to only repair items they crafted for FREE. 👿 Repairs should occur in the trade window on items up to their highest crafting skill.
  • Farming, Cooking, Ranching, Alchemy excluded for obvious reasons.
  • Guild Islands could open up as “Crafting Emporiums”.
  • With these changes, players could find their favorite places to shop and know where to find the “Best Gear” at the “Best Prices” from “Renown Crafters”!

Speaking Of Mats

Collecting mats is terrible and I want to make it worse!
The rate of mat respawn in this game is incredibly awesome, too bad I can never seem to carry enough. This needs to change. Currently, the same “nodes”, closest to town, get harvested over and over.

  • The more a mat is harvested the slower it should respawn.

This would encourage adventuring farther away from town.

  • The carrying weight limit has to be increased. But How?

If I’m riding an Ox and I jump off to fight a Bear or Wolf or mine some Iron, I’m obviously not going to take all of the stuff on the Ox and carry it.
Just like adding increasing my maximum carry load on my footwear, the Ox or Horse should increase my max carry load weather mounted or dismounted, except in dungeons or where mounts aren’t allowed.

Speaking of Oxen

Oxen are just too damn slow and I don’t like to take an Ox out collecting mats. They need a speed increase.
A “Spur”(Sprint) that offers a 35-50% speed increase with a 60s cool down while “NOT” under attack.
Scale the “Spur” with a better quality mount. A “Normal” mount will only Giddy-Up for 10s, “Excellent”-15s, “Masterpiece”-20s, Epic-25s, and “Legendary”- 30s or 35s 😀 after all it’s Legendary.
I think these changes would make that long ride back to the city much more tolerable.

Raising Mounts

albion online

  • Could they eat less with higher quality food? Or
  • Produce a higher quality mount if fed a higher quality produce.

Add some Music please!

I think this game could be the next “Epic” game; and, it needs some Epic music. Make the music an optional download if necessary; but, MUSIC PLEASE! Each town should have its own special music, and there should be dungeon music, fight music ect. I realize that with all the different cultures playing this game, choosing the “right” music could be difficult. However, some music transcends all cultures.

Addition of “Rare Items”

On certain occasions known only to the devs, say once a month or once a week or once a year, make certain items lootable. Like a wood stove from a dungeon(see the attached picture). These “Rare” items could replace a trophy in a house and add A LOT of happiness to me and my hirelings.

Saved for Last

After 30days I upgraded to the Legendary Founders Package. If you knew me, you would know that says the Devs are building a GREAT GAME. My friends asked me “Is it worth the $99”. I was hesitant to answer this question, and, having a hard time justifying the purchase. The “Gold” and the “House” made it worth it to me. But, I think there needs to be some changes.

  • Every in game item in this Founders Package is “Mine”, I paid for it. The items in this pack should be bound to my account and NOT lootable. I realize there are other “In Game” possessions that one could argue are more valuable and should be “Bound” to their account. But they weren’t “purchased”.
  • The “Legendary” Horse and Ox should be “Legendary”. I was extremely disappointed when I noticed they were “Normal”. Come On! If I call my “Volkswagen” – “Porsche” that doesn’t make it the same quality as a real “Porsche”. As far as that goes, it wouldn’t hurt to make the “Explorer” clothing a little better quality too.

By coolyou