Conquer Castles in the next 6 weeks to have your own guild logo implemented in Albion Online!


Starting from Monday, May 23, until Sunday, July 3, we are running a Castle Fight event in Albion Online!

The goal of the event is to get a hold of as many castles as possible at the checkpoints listed below. Each castle will grant your guild one point. The top three guilds at the end of each week will get their custom guild logo implemented in the game. Any guild who can get first place twice during the event will receive the logo exclusively for them to use!

Each week will start on Monday, 11:00 UTC, and end the next Monday, 11:00 UTC. The only exception is the last week, which will end on Sunday, July 3, at 20:00 UTC. That means there are two fewer checkpoints in the last week of the event!

Each day has four checkpoints:

  • 02:00 UTC
  • 08:00 UTC
  • 14:00 UTC
  • 20:00 UTC

As there are six castles in the game, a guild can get a maximum of six points per checkpoint. The official blog will update the leaderboard regularly and announce the winners every Monday.And all event details can be found in the event forum thread.

By coolyou